أخبار ساخنة

Tips for the Summer

Important tips to remember in order to stay safe on the road with your bike.
Motorcycle safety gear

By:  Lilli Seleem

 Safety of motorcycles

Extremely high temperatures and humidity can be dangerous for motorcyclists. But what can drivers do against extreme heat? And what can happen in the worst case? Sports doctor and motorcycle racing doctors give some useful tips. In addition, we show you the equipment that can provide at least some cooling in the summer.

Admittedly, there are not many useful tips for driving in extremely hot temperatures.  Nevertheless, we have here one or the other advice that could be quite useful in the heat.  First of all, which should be respected at high temperatures.  Following are some gear tips that can bring at least slight improvements for the motorcycle ride in the heat.  The most valuable tip we deliver already in advance: drink as much water between trips!

What's the most common clothing sin motorcyclists commit in the summer?

 Definitely: textile clothing with membrane.  They think the clothes are breathable, but that's only true for outside temperatures of just over 20 degrees, because that's where the function of this clothing fails.  When it's hot, the moisture stays in your jacket and pants like a plastic bag.  For the driver, it is uncomfortable, he is severely limited in his comfort and no longer in the thing.  At least something remedy creates functional underwear, which increases the design of the evaporation surface and distributes the sweat over a large area.  So also in summer please always wear functional underwear!

How bad is the health in such situation

 Leave church in the village!  But the natural thermoregulation is disturbed, and that should be avoided at all costs.  It becomes health critical only at temperatures above 30 degrees, direct sunlight and stance phases of more than 20 minutes.  City traffic and highway congestion on real dog days are also not to be underestimated.  Under extreme heat conditions, the temperature of a motorcyclist wearing standard safety equipment may increase to a feverish level (38 degrees).  Along with severe fluid loss, so-called hyperthermia, ie overheating, can lead to loss of concentration, dizziness and even loss of consciousness.  The risk of accidents is then dramatically high.  From 40 degrees body temperature there is danger to life, but then you feel so bad that you have probably already long since relegated from the motorcycle.  People who die from sudden cardiac death during
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sports and heat are luckily the exception, according to medical examinations.  In 90 percent of the fatal cases, there was a cardiac pre-existing condition, for example, when the heart muscle was inflamed and weakened by an incorrectly cured viral disease.

How best to behave on the bike when hot?

Drink a lot!  Five milliliters per kilo of body weight and per hour (Ex: 80 kilos => 0.4 liters per hour).  And actually wear airy clothes, but the safety on the bike because of the ridge here is very narrow.  Wear protective gear is good, but you should open the helmet visor at least a bit in hot weather, dito jacket sleeves and trouser legs, as well as pull down the zipper in the chest, that while air gets to the body, the jacket but still fits tight enough.

 Motorcycle clothing tips for hot temperatures

 First of all, the following equipment was not chosen for its safety features.  We opted for apparel that, due to their material or texture, is more suitable for hot days than textile clothing with a membrane or a leather suit.  Also, that a jet helmet is more airy than a full-face helmet, should not be a big mystery.  And that a full-face helmet in a fall in comparison offers the better protection, probably not.  Valuable services can also provide summer-proof functional underwear.

Helmet: Almost every manufacturer has at least one open face helmet in the program.  The selection of different models is correspondingly large.  As mentioned above, full-face helmets offer better protection in case of emergency.  However, the heat inside is also much larger.

Clothing: Textile clothing with membrane is not recommended, at least on very hot days.  Many apparel manufacturers also offer apparel specifically designed for the summer.  So textile jackets are designed to be particularly permeable to air.  Often, such "summer jackets", at least on the elbows and shoulders, but only equipped with soft protectors.  Back protectors must also be retrofitted.  Suitable air-permeable textile jackets can be found for example by Held, Alpinestars and Rukka.  Also with the pants one should pay attention if necessary on air vents and generally air-permeable m
Gloves: Gloves are not the same gloves.  For the summer offer shorter gloves, which are also equipped with air intakes.  Again, there is a suitable variant of almost every manufacturer.  In terms of price, such "short gloves" are often a bit cheaper

Boots: Although the last "City Boots" comparison test is already a while ago, nevertheless there are numerous boots that are suitable for hotter days.  Although many of the models do not offer quite as many safety features as high-quality motorcycle boots, they are in any case better suited for motorcycling than ordinary sneakers.  The so-called "Ride" from BMW had performed particularly well in the mentioned comparison test.

Rain suit: Hot temperatures often have thunderstorms. Correspondingly, it can not hurt to have a rain suit at hand when it gets wet.  On the popular sales portals, there is a huge selection in which one has almost the agony of choice.
