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What if your engine refuses to start?
engine refuses to start - motorcycle safety

An engine that refuses to start or is difficult to start is very frustrating. More often than not, the problem is very minor and can be found with a simple and logical troubleshooting approach. The following items will help isolate engine starting problems. 

Engine Fails to Start Perform the following spark test to determine if the ignition system is operating properly.

1. Remove one of the spark plugs. 
2. Connect the spark plug wire and connector to the spark plug and touch the spark plug base to a good ground like the engine cylinder head. Position the spark plug so you can see the electrodes. 

During the next step, do not hold the spark plug, spark plug wire or conneetor with fingers. The high voltage generated by the ignition system could produce serious or fatal shocks. Use a pair of insulated pliers to hold the spark plug or wire.

3. Crank the engine over with the starter. A fat blue spark should be evident across the spark plug electrodes.

 4. If the spark is good. check for one or more of the following possible malfunctions: 
- Obstructed fuel line or fuel filter. 
- Leaking head gasket.
- Low compression. 

5. If the spark: is not good, check for one or more of the foUowing: 
- Loose electrical connections. 
- Dirty electrical connections. 
- Loose or broken ignition coil ground wire. 
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- Broken or shorted high tension lead to the spark plug. 
- Discharged battery
- Disconnected or damaged battery connection. 
- Neutral, starter lockout or side stand switch trouble.
engine refuses to start - motorcycle safety
Engine is Difficult to Start 

Check for one or more of the following possible malfunctions:
- Fouled spark plug(s). 
- Improperly adjusted choke. 
- Intake manifold air leak. 
- Contaminated fuel system. 
- Improperly adjusted carburetor. 
- Weak ignition unit. 
- Weak ignition coils. h. Poor compression. 
- Engine and transmission oil too heavy. 

Engine Will Not Crank

Check for one or more of the following possible malfunctions: - Blown fuse. 
- Discharged battery, 
- Defective starter motor. 
- Seized piston(s).
- Seized crankshaft bearings. 
- Broken connecting rod.
