Motorcycle Emergency Tool Kit
By Lilli Seleem
By Lilli Seleem
For some riders, feeling isolated on a motorcycle is fun. You and your bike and the road. But what if something happens - like a flat frame, for example, or a clutch cable - suddenly at this moment this isolation becomes a responsibility. At times like these you need to be prepared for the unexpected and have the resources to deal with it.
The tools that come with your bike are your starting point, just to show you what you need to perform basic tasks. It is possible that some toolset tools are sealed but poorly made, so replace counterfeit tools with good branded tools that do not cut or remove screws.Buy From Here
Monitor the work you do regularly on the bike
Monitor your bike every time you stand on the road or in the hotel's parking lot and add any necessary tools you might need during your trip.
In addition to the tools, you can find a place to save some extra valves, there is a small roll of duct tape (some wrapped around a pencil heel works well), a roll of safety cord, legs of a tire valve, a set of zip links, and a shopping cloth Or two and a pair of cotton or latex work gloves. And you can also carry a small bottle of hand soap or wipes.
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A tire repair kit is a must
For tires without pipes, carry a small set of Stop & Go tools with rubber stoppers, an insert and a small air pump running out of the bike battery. I prefer the pump over CO which, when it disappears, while the pump lasts as long as the battery lasts.
Not wanting to put myself at the mercy of technology compels me to carry a small notebook with the names and numbers of every person on my cell phone's contact list if the phone dies or is lost.
I also have a separate sheet in a sealed plastic bag with all my contact and medical information, including meds. I had two bad accidents, and in one of them I couldn't find any way to answer the paramedics' questions consistently; that paper really helped.
A first aid kit is a good addition to your emergency equipment
But not unless you know how to use them - waving them over an injury like incense will not help. Try to take training courses in first aid, CPR and other life-saving techniques in many areas.
A good toolkit can save a journey, but knowing first aid can save a life.